Saturday, November 5, 2022

After Trevor Milton Verdict & Interviews Now He Gets Extra Month for Motions To Review


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w/ Exclusive Interviews by Matthew Russell Lee

SDNY Courthouse, Nov 5  – In September and October 2022 Trevor Milton, founder of Nikola Motor was put on trial for fraudulent claims about NKLA's hydrogen trucks.

On Friday, October 14, Milton was found guilty on three of four counts.

  Published hours after the verdict was a book by Matthew Russell Lee, who live tweeted and reported on the trial daily, and put questions to Milton and his lawyers in Foley Square outside.

  And the Monday after the Friday verdict, Inner City Press conducted a second interview, after a first, screen shots on Patreon here - and full version of 2d interview here and below.

On November 3, Milton's lawyer wrote to Judge Ramos asking for an extra month to file post-trial motions, saying he wants to review and analyze post-trial interviews of jurors: "
Dear Judge Ramos: This letter is respectfully submitted on behalf of defendant Trevor Milton to request a 30 day extension of time to file post-trial motions under Fed. R. Cr. P. 29 and Rule 33. At present, the motions are due on November 14, 2022. The additional 30 days would make the new submission date December 14, 2022. The extra time sought is necessary for two primary reasons. First, as the Court is aware, the trial record in this matter is extensive. Second, it has come to our attention that after the verdict, several jurors made comments and statements to the media and/or online concerning the trial and the deliberations. The defense believes these comments must be carefully reviewed and analyzed in connection with the post-trial motions. The government consents to this requested extension of time, although the abovementioned reasons for the request are solely those of the defense."

On November 4, without commenting of the relevance of jury interviews to the post-trial motions, Judge Ramos granted the 30 day extension: "MEMO ENDORSEMENT [250] LETTER MOTION addressed to Judge Edgardo Ramos from Marc L. Mukasey dated November 3, 2022 re: extension of time to file Rules 29 and 33 motions...ENDORSEMENT...The request for an initial, 30 day, extension of time to file post-trial motions under Fed.R.Crim.P.29 and 33 is granted. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Edgardo Ramos on 11/4/22)." Watch this site.

Interviews: Juror #9, "V" - "Sure, Overall the entire trial was very dense in terms of information I myself I estimate took at least 50 pages of notes front and back. While Mr. Milton may not have liked the result he should know that he did in fact receive a completely fair trial in my opinion. Personally in my notes I did have to write "credibility?" and ultimately did not use two witnesses testimony in my deliberation reasoning due to the fact I just couldn't find them credible....

... Roughly for the first hour and a half absolutely no decision was made at all on any counts. Personally it began to feel like we may have been a hung jury.

"This is when we began to request a few pieces of evidence we did not take any notes on that we needed to break the ice. Once we received those aids deliberations became smoother albeit there were moments of silence here and there as we contemplated what a juror may have said or looked for a piece of evidence that contradicted or further supported what was said.

"That being said on Count 2 that I've seen many questions on after looking up to see what the public thought was he was close to being convicted he reached 2/3 requirements and we began discussing the third it was then that I re-read the charge and noticed that while similar to count 1 count 2 had to meet ALL requirements.

"When asking if anyone noticed any evidence to suggest the government had met this criteria we found they fell short.   In regards to count four I just wanted to mention we in fact did not even like Mr. Hicks and personally I believe he is greedy, but examining the law Trevor was still in fact guilty." Full interview on Patreon here.

The case is US v. Milton, 21-cr-478 (Ramos)

  Watch this site.

    Lee was each day in the courtroom of U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Edgardo Ramos, and venturing farther afield to investigate leads exclusively give to him and Inner City Press and by Nikola whistleblowers.

   As the trial wound down, Inner City Press published descriptions of documented destroyed within Nikola, and guilty knowledge by officials still at the company.

   Material from those whistleblowers, the trial and even some more speculative and literary excursions featuring recurring characters Kurt Wheelock and Michael Randall Long, featured in the Ghislaine Maxwell book "Maximum Maxwell" as noted by New York Magazine, here, made its way at the speed of the Internet into the new book

"Hydrogen Heist: The Trial of Nikola's Trevor Milton: On Fraud, Guilty of 3 of 4 Counts; From Musk and Tesla Wannabe to Convict in SDNY, by Matthew Russell Lee

  E-book here; paperbook here

    This review will leave it to others to find over-reaches and typos. For his reporting, Lee was banned from the United Nations in 2018 by SG Antonio Guterres, whose Media Accrediation chief Melissa Fleming has ignored appeals from a UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression and, pro bono, the law firm of Quinn Emanuel.

   One might surmise that history leads to some of the book's (over?) identification with the defendant.  

    A full scope instantaneous view of and taking off from trials like US v. Trevor Milton seems to be Inner City Press' project here.

And here it is.

Hydrogen Heist by Matthew Russell


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