Saturday, February 12, 2022

In NYT Defamation Trial Closings Sarah Palin Seeks Nominal Damages As Bennet Linked to ESPN & Mets


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - The Source

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Feb 11 – In the case of Sarah Palin versus New York Times and James Bennet, on July 24, 2020 U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Jed S. Rakoff held oral arguments. Inner City Press live tweeted them - and now the 2022 trial, below.

 On August 28, 2020 Judge Rakoff issued an order denying summary judgment and finding, inter alia, that "there "there is sufficient evidence to allow a rational finder of fact to find actual malice [by NYT / Bennet] by clear & convincing evidence." So, trial. Inner City Press will cover it - having previously reported Judge Rakoff jokingly perhaps offering that time slot to a criminal case and saying, Ms. Palin may just have to wait.

It was set to start on January 24, 2022. But as tweeted by Inner City Press, "Sarah Palin v. NYT will NOT start today. Palin has tested positive for COVID three times. Judge Rakoff says she can return for trial on February 3, unless she is showing symptoms."

 On February 3 the trial started. Inner City Press live tweeted it, thread here.

 On February 7, after this song things proceeded, with Inner City Press live tweeting, thread here.

 On February 8, questioning of the NYT's Ms. Cohn continued; Inner City Press live tweeted, thread here.

On February 9, witnesses ranged from James Bennet through Ross Douthat until (finally) Sarah Palin, the beginning. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread here:

On February 10, Sarah Palin continued on the stand, including cross examination by the NYT attorney, very focused on (lack of) damages. Inner City Press live tweeted, thread here.

 On February 1, the closing arguments; Inner City Press live tweeted, thread here:

Palin's lawyer: ... So Ross Douthat sent James Bennet two tweets, from Jonathan Chait and Chris Hayes, "another liberal journalist."[ALJ, also Administrative Law Judge]. 

Palin's lawyer: They switched the correction from Sarah Palin's PAC to "a PAC."

 Palin's lawyer: The Times is trying to argue that it's about Sarah PAC, not Sarah Palin. Reject that. The last witness, not on the editorial board but the Reader Center, called it the "Sarah Palin editorial."

Palin's lawyer: Notice how in their correction they don't mention Sarah Palin once. It's up to you to decide if that's because they don't like her politics.

 Palin's lawyer: The Republican baseball practice shooter, there was anti-Trump politics in his social media, it was reverse engineers. But here, my client became the casualty of their politics. She doesn't like to complaint. Suck it up, cupcake.

 Now NYT lawyer's closing argument (which, Judge Rakoff notes, will be broken in half by jurors' lunch). NYT lawyer: The judge cautioned you, when you get back to the jury room, work together to remember the evidence.

 NYT lawyer: What's shocking about the closing we just heard if they shift to opinion. The opinion of Mr. Bennet, of Tom Friedman. In this country you're allowed to have opinions. Opinions can't be wrong.

NYT lawyer: This honest mistake made James Bennet stay up all night thinking about it. For Governor Palin to prevail in this case she needs to show you it was not an honest mistake, but that it was intentional defamation, or reckless.

 NYT lawyer: The Editorial Board is there to express shared values. Take yourself back. President Trump had just been elected. This a county awash in misinformation. We needed to say something about it. The Times made a natural connection to Gov Palin

 NYT lawyer: They could have called Bob Semple -- Judge Rakoff: Jurors, either side could have called him. NYT lawyer: Yes, though could have called him-- Palin's lawyer: Objection Judge Rakoff: The point is, the not-calling could give rise to an inference. Or not.

 NYT lawyer Axelrod: So he went an hour and 45 minutes and I objected only once. Now he -- Objection!

Judge Rakoff: He had every right to object. This is not proper argument. NYT lawyer Axelrod: Bob Semple said something about NRA. Who cares? It's irrelevant. NYT lawyer: If we intended to defame Governor Palin, would it have done straight to James Bennet, and not like this, just a fluke?

NYT lawyer Axelrod: James Bennet was sitting on his couch. Maybe it was watching SportsCenter. The point made in the editorial is that both shooting took place in a political environmental. He wrote, Maybe we don't know. Maybe he was watching the Mets game

NYT lawyer: Governor Palin is showing no credible evidence of harm. James Bennet didn't add Sarah Palin's name - Elizabeth Williamson did!

 NYT lawyer: The editorial ends by praising Donald Trump! It wasn't anti-Republican. Look at the website, Governor Palin wasn't even in the headline.

 NYT lawyer: Look at James Bennet here at 5:08 am, rally his people to make a correction. If Mr. Bennet knew that was false, why would he fall on his sword? And like Linda Cohn told you, the Times has a policy of not repeating the error in a correction.

NYT lawyer continues: It is not enough for that to prove that a newspaper like the New York Times made a mistake. That's not good enough.

 NYT lawyer: If James Bennet had intended to falsely charge Gov Palin, why did he link to the ABC piece? Did he make a mistake? Yeah. But there was no motive to go after Governor Palin.

NYT lawyer: Mr. James Bennet's reputation is incredibly important to him. We all saw how you looked at him, while he was on the stand... Even conservative columnist Ross Douthat said he had a lot of respect for him

NYT lawyer: Gov Palin says her reputation suffered harm. There's no evidence in this case of that. Her lawyer is pushing a conspiracy theory. Governor Palin has brought this case for money.

OK, last of the arguments - Palin's lawyer's reply argument: Look at Elizabeth Williamson's draft - it's not in it. Linda Cohn's? Not there. It came from Mr. Bennet. He tried to reverse engineer the facts.

Palin's lawyer: Mr. Bennet said he associated this violence with the right. Opinions are fine; false facts are not.

 Palin's lawyer: It's been a privilege talking to y'all. If you want to go nominal [damages], go nominal.

 Judge Rakoff: We'll take a 5 minute break to find if you want to stay late to hear my instructions. If not, we'll do it Monday. Jury leaves. Jury returns.

Judge Rakoff: Has the jury reached a verdict... on staying? [Laughs]

They will stay and get legal instructions / jury change now.  Judge Rakoff gets in HEPA filtered counsel box and launches into it. This could take a while

 Early on February 8, Palin's lawyers put in a memo on their entitlement to punitive damages: "At the February 7, 2022 Charging Conference, Defendants suggested certain changes to the Court’s proposed jury instruction on punitive damages based on Morsette v. “The Final Call,” 309 A.D.2d 249, 254 (1st Dep’t 2003). Specifically, Defendants claim Plaintiff is only entitled to punitive damages if she proves that the Defendants’ “sole motivation in publishing the challenged statements was hostility toward and a desire to injure the plaintiff.” See Defendants’ Proposed Revisions to Instruction No. 17 (provided at the Feb. 22nd Charging Conference). Defendants’ proposed revision improperly seeks to limit the grounds upon which Plaintiff can prove her entitlement to punitive damages and flies in the face of well-established law. As recognized by the Second Circuit in DiBella v. Hopkins, 403 F.3d 102, 122 (2d Cir. 2005), “[u]nder New York law, punitive damages in a defamation case are justified “‘to punish a person for outrageous conduct which is malicious, wanton, reckless, or in willful disregard for another's rights.’” (quoting Prozeralik, 82 N.Y.2d at 479–80) (emphasis added); see also Celle v. Filipino Reporter Enterprises Inc., 209 F.3d 163 (2d Cir. 2000) (“all of the relevant circumstances surrounding the dispute” should be considered in establishing entitlement to punitive damages)."

  Back on January 19 the New York Times filed its proposed questions for jurors, including "do any of you believe that the New York Times has a bias against certain political parties or issues?"Also, do you know Ross Douthat? Andrew Sullivan? Robert Semple?

On January 20, Sarah Palin's lawyers filed their proposed questions, including "Have you followed any recent high profile court cases closely?" Can you say, Ghislaine Maxwell? We'll be there.

On January 17 - MLK Day - the New York Times filed a request that juror before opening statements be read a statement including that "Plaintiff claims that two statements in the Editorial falsely communicated to readers that she directly caused Jared Loughner to shoot people in Arizona in 2011." Then, the cross-hairs. Watch this site.

On January 11, Judge Rakoff convened a pre-trial session. Inner City Press live tweeted it here.

 The case is Palin v. The New York Times Company, 17-cv-4853-JSR (Rakoff)


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