Saturday, December 4, 2021

Doctor Cruciani Got $2M Release For Sexual Abuse of Patients Now Lawyer Quits, Pay Qs


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTHOUSE, Nov 29 –  A former pain management doctor who has been indicted for sexually abusing female patients in three states for fifteen years was offered bail conditions to be released on the evening of October 20. Inner City Press was there, and again on October 21 when he was arraigned in a yellow prison jumpsuit.   

Mid-day it was announced that "Damian Williams, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced that RICARDO CRUCIANI was arrested this morning and charged in connection with his sexual abuse of numerous pain management patients over the course of over 15 years.  The Indictment unsealed today alleges that from at least in or about 2002 up to and including at least in or about 2017, CRUCIANI enticed and induced multiple victims to travel to his medical offices in New York, New York, Hopewell, New Jersey, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to subject them to unlawful sexual abuse.  CRUCIANI was arrested this morning and is expected to be presented later today before U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert W. Lehrburger in Manhattan federal court."  

  After a case in which Magistrate Judge Lehrburger granted the US Attorney's Office's request to detain in the MDC jail in Brooklyn until trial an asthmatic man from Burkina Faso, employed in food delivery, for enticing two 14-year old girls to have sex, Cruciani was brought in.  

Cruciani wore a sweater and blew a kiss to a woman in the gallery, where Inner City Press was the only media.

The Assistant US Attorney said that with Cruciani's retained (self-paid) lawyer a bail package had been agreed to: a $2 million personal recognisance bond signed by three financially responsible people and secured by properties in Winwood, Pennsylvania and Jersey City, New Jersey. Cruciani worked at Mount Sinai. There is a petition online here.

  On October 21 the assigned District Judge, John P. Cronan, held Cruciani's arraignment. Inner City Press live tweeted it here:

Cruciani Day 2: 15 hours after initially closed presentment, Inner City Press is here in 24A for his arraignment. 

Cruciani has been brought in in yellow prison jump suit. My wife is in the gallery, with Inner City Press. Cruciani has an additional lawyer, Elizabeth Macedonio. Cronan notes he knew (of) her, when he was a prosecutor.

AUSA Kim: We agreed to bail. But he must meet the conditions. Cruciani says yes, in a croaking voice. His lawyer, Mark Furman's colleague, interprets for him: pleads Not guilty.

AUSA Kim says Cruciani pled guilty in Pennsylvania - and got only probation. NYS Supreme criminal trial in Spring 2022, then a Jersey state case.

 After Cruciani's counsel filed to be released from representing him, Judge Cronan issued this: "MEMO ENDORSED granting [15] LETTER MOTION Motion to be Relieved as Counsel as to Ricardo Cruciani (1)... ENDORSEMENT: The parties shall appear in person for a conference on December 2, 2021 at 2:30 p.m. in Courtroom 12D of the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York, to discuss defense counsel's request to be relieved as counsel in this matter and that new counsel be appointed to represent the Defendant. Defense counsel should be prepared to discuss whether the Defendant is financially eligible for appointment of counsel pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act. In advance of the conference, and in the event that the Court grants the request for appointment of counsel, the parties should advise the Court whether they are aware of any conflicts with the Federal Defenders of New York. If appropriate, the parties may make an ex parte submission advising the Court of any conflict. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge John P. Cronan on 11/29/21)."

 Next on Cruciani: Jan 4, 2 pm. Cruciani doesn't want to return to Essex jail, wants to stay in 500 Pearl today in case can be released.

  Inner City Press will stay on these case. The disparity with the Burkinabe food deliveryman was not explained. (To be fair, the SDNY is generally open, see for example orders by Judges Jed S. Rakoff here and Jesse M. Furman on Avenatti, here).

This case is US v. Cruciani, 21-cr-636 (Cronan) 



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