Saturday, August 21, 2021

Wire Fraud Case Which Victimized SDNY Judge's Relative Postponed by EDNY's Dearie


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTHOUSE, August 15 – Cambria Merrill was arrested on wire fraud charges in the Northern District of Illinois on September 25, 2019. 

 Her case was assigned to U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Edgardo Ramos. The U.S. Marshal Service paid for her travel on December 13, 2019 to appear before Judge Ramos. 

  Then, because one of the alleged victims is a member of the immediate family of a sitting judge of the SDNY, the case was transferred to EDNY Judge Raymond C. Dearie in Brooklyn. But it is still an SDNY case. 

 On February 2, 2021 Merrill pled guilty, and was to be sentenced by Judge Dearie on August 13. Inner City Press called in to cover it.

  But Judge Dearie said there are holes in the pre-sentencing report, and also that he prefers to sentence Merrill in person.

He will sign an order for the U.S. Marshal Service to pay for her travel from Chicago - for an in person sentencing on September 15, in the Courtroom 10A-S in Cadman Plaza.

This SDNY case is US v. Merrill, 19-cr-695 (Dearie)


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