Saturday, August 21, 2021

Video Elephant Sued Blake For News Feeds, Says Dropping Counterclaims Is Not Enough


By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon
BBC - Guardian UK - Honduras - ESPN

SDNY COURTHOUSE, August 15 – Miami based Blake Broadcasting was sued by UK-based Video Elephant Ltd for failing to make paying of licensing fees for content used in Blake's networks and news feeds. Blake filed some counterclaims.    

   On August 13, U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Judge Vernon S. Broderick held a proceeding. Inner City Press covered it.

  Robert Blake announced that it wasn't worth going forward with the case.

The plaintiff's lawyer pointed out that Blake is the defendant, and can't withdraw the case. Even a bankruptcy filing would only stay the case.

It is Video Elephant Ltd. v. Blake Broadcasting LLC, 21-cv-503 (Broderick)


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