Saturday, July 10, 2021

On Colombia UN Guterres Who Censors Press Issues Empty Statement Shooting At Prez' Plane


By Matthew Russell Lee, CJR Letter PFT Q&A

UN GATE, June 26 – Colombia was presented as one of the only successes in the four and a half desultory years Antonio Guterres has helmed the UN, censoring Inner City Press to conceal his links to UN bribery by CEFC China Energy. While banning Inner City Press for the 1090th day and refusing to answer its questions about Coronavirus, UNsexploitation and Ghislaine Maxwell and lack of transparency, Guterres' spokesman Stephane Dujarric on June 26 issued this: "The Secretary-General condemns the attack on 25 June against a helicopter carrying the President of Colombia and other officials, which was fired on as it landed in the city of Cúcuta, in the northeast of the country.      The Secretary-General is relieved that the aircraft landed safely and that there were no injuries or fatalities. He stands in solidarity with the Government and people of Colombia.        Stéphane Dujarric, Spokesman for the Secretary-General        New York, 26 June 2021." Guterres, meanwhile, is almost certainly set to visit his bank account if not others in Lisbon - there is no transparency, and the Press that asks is banned.

After its  reporting on the United Nations as a resident correspondent for a decade, exposing war crimes and UN scandals from Sri Lanka to Yemen to Cameroon, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres had Inner City Press roughly ousted and banned from the UN since 3 July 2018.

  On 24 August 2019 Inner City Press applied to  Guterres and his new Communications and media accreditation chief Melissa Fleming to be admitted like hundreds of others to cover the upcoming UN General Assembly. After receiving from Guterres' Security chief Gilles Michaud an ill-informed response passing the buck to the Department now run by Fleming, past 4 pm on Friday, August 30 the UN issued a denial of accreditation with no reasoning other than that accreditation had previously been revoked:

"From: malu <>
Date: Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 4:23 PM
Subject: U.N. eAccreditation request for Matthew Lee Ref # M5413398 has been declined
To: Inner City Press:

Greetings Matthew Lee from Inner City Press,  Your media accreditation request, with reference no: M5413398, has been declined for the following reason: Media accreditation was withdrawn on 17 August 2018."

  This is Kafka-esque, and corrupt. We will have more, much more, on this.