Friday, July 12, 2019

In SDNY Murky Mag Court An Accused Murdered Named Jones Is Detained Until September 5

By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive PatreonScope
SDNY COURTHOUSE, July 11 – While many even most cases in the Magistrates Court of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York are sealed or have no case number given, on July 9 before Magistrate Judge Gabriel Gorenstein, filling in without explanation for Henry B. Pitman, things hit a new level of murkiness.  A defendant with the last name Jones, no case number, was brought in charged with murder. He was detained, all the way until September 5 for his next appearance. 
  Who is he? Whom did he allegedly kill? This was not said in Mag Court, and Inner City Press has been told to not ask questions. But we will. After Jones there was an interminable wait for a presentee for whom at least two names were given - Colin Williams - but for whom the various players wandered away seriatim. There was yet another, with report delayed. We hope to have more on this.
Earlier on July 11 a 69 year old man was brought in in shackles, shivering and as it turned out in heroin withdrawal. But it was unclear on what authority he had been arrested. Judge Pitman asked as was told that Probation had conducted a home visit and found 35.9 grams of heroin and had hauled him in. 
But it also turned out this his roommate, certainly an equally plausible owner of the heroin, was a convicted felon. Why Probation hadn't realized that in the one year the supervisee has lived there was unclear, as was the pronunciation of his name. Bizari? Nisari? Pasari? There are no case numbers given, no New Presentments, nothing. We'll have more on this. 
On July 9 at the end of the day two drug codefendants were brough it, "No case number assigned." 
  One, Hugo Witter, quickly got bail with even his GSP bracelet to be "revisited" in two months. The other,o case number assignedNo case number assigned Gilbert Oliver was ordered detained pending trial even as his (retained) lawyer argued that the transaction at issue had been set up by Witter and a confidential informant. Sure, there remained the matter of the four guns, the cocaine and $140,000 in cash. But who's counting? 
  We'd include the case number in this story but none has been provided, and it has been implied to Inner City Press that it has asked too many questions, that it should just repeatedly hit refresh on the PACER terminal in the press room it has been working from for more than two months. OK, we'll have more.
Earlier on July 9 on an indictment for loansharking, at first the government said the boss of the conspiracy was recorded making threats for the repayment of the "loan." 
  Then, after Judge Pitman was said this defendant was detained, it was said that there is no recording of that threat, only two witnesses both of whom are cooperators. Judge Pitman reversed himself and allowed the loansharking boss to be freed on bond, with a signature by his sister who is a part-time professor at NYU. The loansharking muscleman with a relative working at Columbia University but only at a coffee serving franchise, was detained.

 Back on July 3, a murder defendant was brought through, charged with the killing in 2818 Bronx Park East of Shaquille Malcolm. The defendant's last name - no case number was given - was Hopkins, with all Speedy Trial Act time excluded until September 5. The charging document, even as shown to the defense, was missing the third count. One CJA lawyer stood in for another. And so it goes in the SDNY.