Thursday, May 12, 2016

As Kigali Principles Are Signed, UNanswered Qs of Malakal, Rapes and R-and-R

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, May 11 -- That UN Peacekeepers should actually protect civilians should be a no brainer. But after four years of Herve Ladsous, who linked rapes with R&R, video here, it is not that simple.

 There is a history too, not only in Rwanda and now some say Burundi, but also Srebrenica, mentioned by US Ambassador Power and alluded to by Dutch Foreign Minister Burt Koenders on May 11.

  The event was for the so-called Kigali Principles, with countries signing on and some asking for translations. Some of the signers were prickly - Italy's Deputy Ambassador, for example, took exception to the uncontroversial statement that Kinshasa is a long way from Kigali. It remains unanswered if Italy had or has an embassy in Rwanda, or just a consulate, as it runs for a Security Council seat against the Dutch and Sweden: all three signed on. Tweeted photo of signers here.

  While no questions from the Press were taken, two speakers raised the UN's failings and lack of transparency in Malakal in South Sudan.

Back on April 19 when Forest Whitaker spoke at the UN about the Sustainable Development Goals he mentioned his work in South Sudan, and Inner City Press followed up.

  Inner City Press asked Whitaker, a Goodwill Ambassador for UNESCO, what he thought of the UN's performance in Malakal, where SPLA soldiers - or those dressed like them - killed people in the UN's "Protection of Civilians" site.

 Inner City Press also asked about the UN bribery scandal including Ng Lap Seng used entities like South South News to buy entry into the UN, for example after SSN gave money to the UN Correspondents Association getting a photo op with Ban at the UNCA Ball. Video of Q&A here.

 Whitaker answered on South Sudan, giving a shout out to aid workers and his staff there, saying it is complicated there, "We are waiting for Riek Machar to return to Juba," see below.

 The UN corruption, or really Panama Paprs, question was answered by UN DESA's Thomas Gass, who said now is the time to implement the SDGs.

In the UN's continued withholding of news and answers about South Sudan, the reports of the UN's own knowledge of abuses are now being withheld from its own impacted national staff.  So Inner City Press has published below multiple leaked documents from inside UNMISS and from non-governmental organizations - and compares them to contradictory official statements by the UN.

The UN has responded by eviction Inner City Press from its long-time shared office in the UN on April 16, video here and here (Periscope).

  On April 18, the UN internally reported on, but did not publicly complain about, an SPLA raid on "Australia House," see below.

 On April 19, Inner City Press asked UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric about it, UN transcript here:

Inner City Press: I wanted to ask you about South Sudan, as well.  I saw in the situation report of UNMISS [United Nations Mission in South Sudan] yesterday with Riek Machar still not having arrived there was this notation that… that 20 armed SPLA [Sudan People’s Liberation Army] soldiers stormed the Australian House along Airport Road in Juba following the sighting by SPLA of two Australian military liaison officers monitoring the situation at the airport.  I'm asking you this because it ends by saying UN security is following up.  Do these Australian liaison officers who were… you know, had their binoculars and radios confiscated by SPLA… are they somehow a part of UNMISS?  Are they there on their own?

Spokesman:  I don't know.

Inner City Press:   I was expecting you to have some kind of an UNMISS or Secretary-General statement on the non-arrival of Riek Machar.  Where does that stand?

Spokesman:  You know, obviously, it's clear to all that Mr. Machar has not yet arrived.  I think the… what the Secretary-General would like to see is a… he would like to see him arrive, being sworn in and have the agreement, the political agreement, implemented as soon as possible.

  Later on April 19, after a closed door briefing from the UN's Herve Ladsous - who spoke only in French on his way in - the Security Council agreed to "Press Elements;" it was UNclear if either Machar or Salva Kiir would be listening.

From leak exclusively to Inner City Press:

"Summary of security developments during the course of the day for your information.

 Juba City

 Following the anticipated arrival of Dr. Riek Machar to Juba and the safety and security measures adopted by DO and UN security management, the following observations were made;

 Activities and movements in Juba this morning was normal, however there was buildup of HG security forces including the erection of road blocks in and around the airport area, Presidential Palace and Ministries Road. The main road to the airport was cordoned just after the traffic lights. Vehicles were not allowed in or out of the airport area.  As a result inbound and outbound passengers had to walk all the way to and from the airport.  Commercial flights at the airport operated as normal. Movements and activities in Juba remained normal even after the news that Dr. Riek Machar’s arrival has been postponed.

·         At about 11:06 hours, about 20 armed SPLA soldiers stormed the ‘Australian House’ along the airport road in Juba town. This followed the sighting by SPLA of two Australian military liaison officers monitoring the situation at the Juba Airport using binoculars. The Australian officers’ binoculars and Tetra radios were confiscated by the SPLA. The two radios have been deactivated by CITS. UN security is following up.

 Note: The security posture adopted by HG today in terms of presence and road closures are likely to be in place tomorrow.


 The security situation in both POCs was generally quiet. The main gates of the POCs were opened at 06:00 hours as usual to allow IDPs exit and entry into both POC sites.  At about 09:30 hours, an IDP cultural group sang and danced around POC 3 through both gates. The dancers made occasional stops but continued.  They were cheered by other IDPS who also joined in. This was a peaceful dance procession. At about 11: 45 hours, following information received from UNPOL, both PoC gates were closed except for incoming IDPs.At about 12:45 hours, four SPLA Soldiers in military uniforms and armed with AK 47 were seen peeping from a distance approximately 200m from the pedestrian gate of POC 3.  ETHBATT responded and the SPLA left. Some IDPs who wanted to go out of the PoC 3 around 14:20 hours could not because of the continued closure of the gates.

 UN House and Tomping

 ·         The situation at the main, eastern and western gates of the UN House was normal.  The same situation applied to Tomping. No gathering was observed at both locations.”

  On April 17, the day after the UN evicted it, Inner City Press exclusively published the UN's internal warning / note to staff about Machar's return, below. Contrast it to Ban more officially saying, "The Secretary-General... spoke to the First Vice President Designate of the Republic of South Sudan, Riek Machar. He welcomed his decision to return to Juba and urged him to work with President Kiir to prevent any further violence."

And contrast it to UNMISS' air-brushed Situation Report, production of which was suspended after Inner City Press published the leaks, then that it was no longer being circulated to the UN's national staff, to whom the UN presumably owes at least some duty:


1.         On 16 April at about 16:15 hours in Juba POC3 pedestrian gate, group of IDPs representing the Community Watch Group attempted to arrest a Warrior Security guard on duty on the allegation that the guard is an active member of the South Sudan National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS). UN Security interfered and defused the tense situation. The case is under investigation.  


2.         On 16 April at about 10:30 hours in Bentiu, UNPOL/FPU apprehended three (03) IDPs in the PoC site in possession of fourteen iron poles suspected to be UN property. The stolen items were recovered and the suspects were handed over to the leader of the Community Watch Group for further action.

3.         On 16 April at about 08:30 hours in Bentiu, three (03) IDPs were apprehended by UNPOL/FPFU at the PoC site. The suspects were alleged to have stolen materials for a public toilet in the PoC site. UNPOL/FPU conducted a search and recovered the stolen items and handed it over to the concerned INGO while the criminals were handed over to the Community Watch Group for further actions.


4.            On 16 April at about 10:15 hours in Aweil, an outbreak of electrical fire occurred in the office of the UNMISS Field Integrated Operation Centre (FIOC). The fire was successfully extinguished by the Aviation fire officer. Nobody was injured and the fire caused minor damage to the office.

5.         On 16 April at about 10:10 hours in Wau, an UNMISS MLO while driving a UN vehicle at the market area accidentally hit an alleged slightly blind local pedestrian juvenile. The victim sustained minor injury and was admitted at a local hospital in Wau. UN Security and Military Police responded to the scene and secured the release of the UN driver but the UN vehicle was detained by the local police for further investigation."

  Now that Machar has postponed any April 18 arrival, Ban is silent. But this is circulating (see also the UN's more formal warning, below)

"This is the last warning. From tomorrow Saturday evening, movement across Juba Bridge will be restricted and heavy security will be deployed along all the roads leading to Juba from all directions. The Sudanese rebels in civilian clothes as traders within Juba will be deployed within the city of Juba. The UPDF in SPLA uniforms will be deployed along Nesitu-Nimule road. The Dinka recruited from Bahr el Ghazal in SPLA uniforms will be deployed around the military barracks and ammunition stores in Juba.

The Presidential Gaurds will be deployed around the J1, the airport and strategic location around government facilities. All Dinka cattle camps in and around Juba are heavily armed and cattle keepers have already received military uniforms of some type and satelite phones distributed to manage the expected shutdown of all telecommunications. The UNMISS is also deploying heavily in and around Juba to secure the evacuation of westerners, foreigners and the diplomatic corps out of Juba and protection of civilians will be the last thing UNMISS will do. The opposition now has heavy military presence in Juba. In this state of affair, one shot is enough for hell to engulf the whole city and this time it is going to be all against all. For those families which have decided to remain in Juba, I wish you all the best. Good luck! Thank You"

  Here's the UN's internal memo:

"Following the anticipated arrival of Dr. Riek Machar in Juba and the associated activities, UN personnel are advised to observe/adhere to the following risk management measures/guidance:

Movement Restriction for 18 April 2016 Only:

 ·         Juba city is declared GREY Alert Status: Movement of Program Criticality (PC) 1&2 international and national staff and support staff to workplace must be concluded by 09:00 hours. Program Managers are to determine the PC category of their staff.

·         Therefore, no movement in the city beyond 09:00 until UN Security advises when staff may commence movement in the city.

·         The UN Tomping main gate will be opened until 08:30 hours thereafter all movements will be through the Western gate.

·         UN personnel are advised to avoid movement on routes in the immediate vicinity of the Presidential Palace, Ministries Road and up to John Garang Mausoleum.

·         The Juba International Airport (JIA) and the general area are declared WHITE Alert Status (PC1 and only if cleared by program managers) except for staff members arriving on inbound flights on commercial flights. Staff departing should restrict their travel to the afternoon fights.

·         The movement restrictions contained in this advisory will be reviewed at COB on Monday, 18 April 2016 in event it has to be extended.

Assembly Areas:

·         All UN compounds serve as Assembly Areas.

·         All UN international staff residing outside UN premises who feel unsafe should relocate to their designated Assembly Areas in a timely manner. Monitor the security radio broadcasts throughout the day/ night.

 Concentration Point:

·         Concentration Points (CP) are used when staff members are to be evacuated out of the country. The designated CP for UN staff members in Juba are the UN- Tomping and the UN House. That will be on DO instruction only.

 Staff Residential Details:

·         Staff members who reside outside UN compounds and who are yet to send details/ coordinates of their residence to UN Security are advised to immediately send it to the SIOC Duty Officer before 15:00 hours on Sunday, 17 April 2016.”

Watch this site.

  Back on April 4, Inner City Press asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric about the report, and he had no response on journalists saying UNMISS dug into what questions they would ask. From the UN transcript:

Inner City Press: I wanted to ask about South Sudan.  It's  reported in great detail by Radio Tamazuj that there are minders, that minders are assigned to journalists who seek to go and cover Malakal, Bentiu and other Protection of Civilians sites.  And a number of the journalists quoted anonymously, because they feel retaliation by the UN, say that they believe that the purpose of the minders is to undermine their ability to hear about underperformance by UNMISS [United Nations Mission in South Sudan] and other human rights violations in the camps.  So, I wanted to know, what is the UN's response to that?

Spokesman Dujarric:  Look, the UN and the Mission in South Sudan are working over extremely difficult conditions, caring for more than 200,000 civilians, a number of Protection of Civilians sites.  Over the years… over the last two years, we facilitated travel for over 180 journalists to various Protection of Civilians sites around the country, a greater number even in Juba itself.  Travelling on UN planes and accessing UN sites is done according to established guidelines, which take into consideration, obviously, security and individual considerations.  The guidelines have been in place since this particular conflict erupted.  I think if journalists have any issues, they should contact the mission there.  But, I know they do their best.  And you know, we have some responsibility if journalists come into the site, it is a UN site; we have some responsibility to them.

Inner City Press:  Have you read the article?  Because they quoted journalists…

Spokesman:  I've read the article, and I really have nothing else to say.  I can't speak to anonymous quotes.

  But Dujarric follows anonymous UNCA-affiliated Twitter accounts devoted to attacking Inner City Press...

"According to a UN document produced as a 'guide' to visiting journalists, UNMISS PIO requires information on 'the duration and type of visit' of any journalist seeking to enter into a protection site. In addition to this, according to a second journalist interviewed by Radio Tamazuj who had recently visited one of the protection sites, the UNMISS Public Information Office also 'demanded I tell what I was going to be asking about, because any political questions were restricted.' The journalist noted that they also tried to provide a 'minder' to accompany him during interviews."

  While in South Sudan Ladsous' DPKO uses safety as the pretext to require minders, no such pretext exists inside UN Headquarters. But nevertheless, on March 24 covering Western Sahara Inner City Press was told it could only do interviews on the UN's second floor with a UN minder.

  On March 31, while other correspondents were permitted to interview US Deputy Ambassador David Pressman about Ladsous' DPKO's (and Sangaris') rapes in the Central African Republic, Inner City Press was told to leave the gaggle due to its "Non-resident" accreditation cut by Gallach.

  Inner City Press directly told Gallach about the impact of her no due process order on March 31, audio here including in fairness her response; she has done nothing to change it. This is the UN's "Public Information" chief? Why? See here.

 The UN requiring minders for journalists is disgusting. They uses security as their figleaf in South Sudan, but inside UN Headquarters it is straight up censorship, even amid or really to prevent Press coverage of the unfolding UN bribery scandal. We'll have more on this.

  While UN Peacekeeping's antipathy to Inner City Press has been evidence since 2011-12 (under Ladsous), now in the Department of Political Affairs there is a inquiry or witch hunt into who leaked the Yemen envoy's email to Inner City Press.

  Amid or because of this reporting on what the UN knows but doesn't say, on February 19 at the demand of UN Under Secretary General for Public Information Cristina Gallach, Inner City Press was thrown out of the UN. Audio here; ongoing petition here.

 On March 28, Ban Ki-moon's personal lawyer Miguel de Serpa Soares issued an eviction threat against Inner City Press; on March 29, he was listed as one of only three members of a Task Force purporting to clear Ban of involvement in the ongoing UN corruption scandal. We'll have more on this.

  On March 30, Inner City Press' sources provided this detailed timeline and specifics:

"The planned movement of 1,370 SPLA-IO soldiers to Juba via Malakal begun yesterday with the first batch 40 soldiers. The entire exercise was conducted in three phases as follows;

Phase 1: Move IO soldiers from Canal to Malakal airport. Escorted was provided by SPLA. No involvement of UNMISS and CTSAMM in this phase.

Phase 2: Processing the soldiers for air movement to Juba.

Phase 3: Air lift by UNMISS aircraft to Juba.

Phase 2 Details

The 40 SPLA –IO soldiers arrived at the airport at 13:00 hrs. The following senior SPLA and SPLA-IO officers led the escort from Canal to Malakal airport:

Maj Gen John Maluit           – SPLA LO
Maj Gen Samuel Mayiik      – SPLA Acting Div 2 Comd
Brig Gen Makuol Ajand        – SPLA Chief Operations
Col Abraham Komye               - SPLA
Brig Gen Peter Pur Nienkel – SPLA-IO

The senior officers were at the airport throughout the process. The Deputy Governor was also at the airport to welcome and bid troops farewell to Juba.

CTSAMM carried out the process of verification, clearing weapons and putting them in boxes. UNDSS – prepared weapon manifest, manual luggage search and body screening. UNDSS also served as a point of contact between escort team and UNMISS team at the airport.

Break down of details as follows:

Number of soldiers                     – 40
No. of weapons                           – 33 AK 47
No. pistol                                         - 01
No. of ammo (7.62 x 39 mm) – 6,754 rounds
Ammo for pistol (9mm)           – 28 rounds

The exercise ended without any incident at 15:30 hrs. The aircraft departed Malakal at 16:00 hrs for Juba.

The movement is expected to run daily from 28 Mar to 7 Apr 16 except 2 and 3 Apr 16 (given Juba airport’s closed at weekends)."

  On the "unrest" in the UN's Juba camp, Inner City Press has these reports from its sources:

"The IDPs told the guards  don't treat us like animals.  We need water and food... UN is very nervous, and it’s very clear to all they didn't know what to do or how to handle situation which is still tense and growing. UNMISS and some UN organs are fearing leaks of info now as it’ll again put them in 'bad light.' Accepting they’re trying to suppress info, it’s a bit late as international banks passed word and it was all over Nairobi and Kampala news this am just after weekly Church services concluded and now in regional media."

And, internal UNMISS:

"At around 11:30hrs fighting broke out between IDP communities in POC 1 at the UN House in Juba. FPU and CHINBATT were deployed to control the situation.  Around 1800hrs the situation flared up again resulting in about 200 IDPs moving into the UN House compound specifically around the staff accommodation areas.   Additional troops were deployed to patrol the staff accommodation area to ensure staff safety and  control the movement of the IDPs. Currently the IDPs have refused to go to PoC 3 and are being kept at the humanitarian gate under force protection.

Advisory:  GREY ALERT Status have been declared in the affected areas, especially at the Humanitarian Gate and PoC1.  Staff are advised to restrict movement to the affected areas until further notice.”

 SRSG Loj needed to have Chinese armed guards surrounding her compound. Their lack of reporting into public mainstream is one thing, but they’re unable to hide the reality within their internal sit reps given after 18.00 hrs (LT) there are effectively no go zones that the UN doesn’t monitor due to armed groups of SPLA-IG (in civilian clothes etc)

  One of those behind the ouster of Inner City Press - and laughing and filming it on February 19 - was Voice of America, which tried in 2012 to get Inner City Press out of the UN by writing to UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric, here. In 2016 the same VOA scribes has become an anonymous troll, defending UN corruption and ouster. Is BBG in on this? US tax dollars at work.

  Ironically, today Voice of America reports inaccurately from South Sudan that the SPLA - IO is to have 3,000 troops in Juba. VOA error here. But the number is under 2,000 -- VOA is apparently conflating police that are to go elsewhere in the country. In any event, the cantonment sites have yet to be built; one proposal, near Juba, would put them in the direct line of fire of the SPLG - IG. We'll have more on this.

Inner City Press' UN Pass was confiscated and its files seized. Questions sent to Gallach and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon's spokesman Stephane Dujarric have still  not been answered. A new ouster occurred on March 10, video here.

 Nevertheless, and pending reversal of Gallach's no due process order, Inner City Press continues with its exclusive reporting, this time from Akobo in Jonglei State, on which the UN is silent. Inner City Press early on the morning of on March 14 exclusively published an NGO email about problems in Akobo, then asked UN Spokesman Stephane Dujarric about it. UN transcript:

Inner City Press: an email among NGOs there that in Akobo in Jonglei State, there had been an 800 per cent increase in revenge killings and that several NGO staff have gone into hiding but haven't seen anything from UNMISS [United Nations Mission in South Sudan] about this.  And I'm wondering, what is… I understand, I guess, UNMISS doesn't report on some of the fighting, deferring to some website you've cited, but when actually humanitarian workers are as… as… as frightened as this email shows, what is UNMISS doing?

Spokesman Dujarric:  Well, I'm happy to look into the issue.  I have not received any reports from UNMISS.

  An NGO in Akobo had just written, as obtained exclusively by Inner City Press:

"“Revenge killings have normally averaged 1 a month since 2013 but this week there were nearly 8 revenge killings.

2.  [NGO 1] had one staff killed as a result of revenge killings. [NGO 1] has been on lockdown since yesterday.

3.  One [NGO 2] staff is still in hibernation since last week due to issues related to revenge killings.

4.  One [NGO 2] staff has been evacuated from Dengok

5.  [NGO 3] member evacuated from Akobo to Juba after realizing he was insecure.

6.  [NGO 4] Field Manager has been evacuated to Juba due to security concerns.

7.  During this dry season, there is high mobility resulting in some of the perpetrators coming into Akobo from various parts such as Walgak.

8.  There was suggestion that head of NGOs arrange to meet the commissioner to express concern on the deteriorating security situation. [Individual 1] to take lead.

9.  The Bieh State IO Governor, Deputy Governor, several Generals and Akobo Commissioner are all in Akobo. The Governor, the deputy and the generals are planning on moving to Waat anytime soon.

10. UNHCR Protection team is in Akobo to assess the Payams for the possibility of relocation of people from Juba. Approximately 300 people may be relocated.

11. Verification of IDPs from kaikuny may start next week Monday, [NGO 2] to take lead but would appreciate participation of other agencies."

 We'll stay on this.

 Here is another internal email exclusively leaked to and published by Inner City Press, with names redacted for obvious reasons:

"From FAO Wau
From Wau: Subject: Serious Security Situation in Wau
Dear XXX

I hereby wish inform you about a serious security situation we are currently experiencing in Wau since yesterday evening.

Indeed security has been recently shaky in Wau and vicinity, but yesterday it worsened to the extent that many of our staff members had to seek for a refuge at night at the UNMISS compound.

Since this morning, all the vehicles are grounded at the office, as no driver could move and there is no authorization for any vehicle to move out of the UNMISS compound.

We are in contact with the FSCO, although no information has been circulated so far. With regards, XXXX”"The full document we have put online here. A quote:

In March 2014, a labeling error was discovered whilst transporting containers loaded with duty equipment for the UN Ghanaian peacekeepers in Unity State which brought strained relations to even a lower point. The error was exploited to galvanise hostility towards the UN in favour of the government by falsely presenting the UN as supplying weaponry to the opposition. It took elaborate interventions, investigations
and communications to clear the false impression that this created.

[ICP note: the same type of "labeling" or "clerical" error occure this months with weapons headed to MONUSCO. This is what UN Peacekeeping has become under Herve Ladous, who linked peacekeepers' rapes to "R&R, here.]

We'll have more on this.