Monday, May 12, 2014

At UN, Indigenous Forum Tells Inner City Press World Conference May Be Canceled Due to Exclusion

By Matthew Russell Lee

UNITED NATIONS, May 12 -- As the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues starts up at the UN, Inner City Press on May 12 asked a PFII panel whether the planned World Conference will, in fact, happen or be boycotted and canceled.

  The response was that it is uncertain due to a blocking of full participation by indigenous people on the conference, including in drafting and negotiating what would be an outcome document. Nothing about us, without us -- that must at least mean such participation at the UN.

  Inner City Press so far has twice asked the spokesperson for John Ashe, President of the General Assembly, about the World Conference. 
 The second time the report was upbeat, everything is coming along. Now apparently now - but no public update from the PGA. The Forum, too, says it is waiting for more information but “don't hold your breath” on the Conference happening.
  Other sources told Inner City Press that instead of the Trusteeship Council Chamber which the Permanent Forum requested, they were sent to the North Lawn Building. 
  Secretary General Ban Ki-moon didn't initially have a meeting scheduled but “a group of Indigenous people” was added to his agenda for 5:10 pm, just after a sure to be shrunk question and answer session on South Sudan. Watch this site.
Footnote: At the PFII press conference, the first question was given to, or taken by, Pamela Falk of CBS as the 2013-14 president of the UN's Censorship Alliance f/k/a UN Correspondents Association. Despite others waiting including Indigenous Television, Falk proceeded to ask three questions -- and then left the press conference early. 
 Before Falk left, she said “I weigh in as the Secretary General did on your election.” No, the head of a group that has tried to throw journalists out of the UN, and most recently obtained then covered up many fake Twitter followers is not “like the Secretary General” - right? The new Free UN Coalition for Access is asking. We'll have more on this.