Friday, June 7, 2024

In Miles Guo Trial Witness Said Mulled Suicide Defense Says She Only Unmasks for DOJ

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 7 – After a circus-like civil case involving Guo Wengui in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, which Inner City Press closely covered, here, March 15, 2023 saw the unsealing of a twelve-count Indictment of Miles Guo onvarious wire fraud, securities fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering charges.

On May 21, the US Attorney's Office wrote in seeking to preclude fire issues from the trial: 7 page letter on Patreon here.

On May 22, Inner City Press live tweeted jury selection, here.

   Many were excused from the jury pool.

More detail / some analysis on X for Subscribers here & Substack here

On May 23 the defense wrote in including "There is no evidence to support the government’s sensationalist theory that Mr. Guo started a fire at the Sherry Netherland residence. Letter on Patreon here

At the end of May 23, Judge Torres told the remaining jurors that the trial would start Friday. Thread.

More details on X for Subscribers here and Substack here

And it did. Inner City Press live tweeted the opening and first two witnesses, an FBI agent about the Greenwich search, and a Dallas based Lamborghini dealer, thread here.

On May 28 the US moved for admission of posts from GNews and GETTR, 5 page motion on Patreon here

On May 31 a representative of Kyle Bass' Hayman Capital Management testified, thread

 On June 4, the US Attorney's Office filed its response to Guo's request for reconsideration on limitation on his expert's testimony about Operation Fox Hunt and the "Five Poisons." US filing on Patreon here.

On June 5, Inner City Press live tweeted, thread

On June 6, more Li - and then some cross, thread

Assistant US Attorney: When did you lose confident in Guo? Witness: When I heard about the Mahwah mansion, secret base from the New Federal State of China. AUSA: Who said it was such a base? Long Island David? Witness: Yes, in a broadcast. 

AUSA: What was your understanding who would use this mansion? Witness: For his family AUSA: Family meaning what? A: Family members. But G-Club members too, he said. But I didn't think so. AUSA: What was your understanding where the money came from? A: Family fund 

AUSA: What did he say about how the Lamborghini was paid for? Witness: He said his family fund, to reward him for his hard working. AUSA: Who is William? Witness: William Je. AUSA: Did you think this mansion was bought with supporters money? Witness: No.  AUSA: If you had known, would you have facilitated payments by Farm members? Guo's lawyer: Objection. I'd be happy to have a sidebar. Judge: Overruled. Guo's lawyer: It assumes facts not in evidence. Judge: Overruled. Witness: His personal luxury life, no  AUSA: Does buying a $26 million house help fight the CCP?

Guo's lawyer: Objection! Judge; Overruled. Witness: No. AUSA: Does buying a red Lamborghini help fight the CCP? Guo's lawyer: Same objection. Judge: Overruled. Witness: No.  AUSA: Did Guo say anything to you about the property being haunted? Witness: No. AUSA: Were you on the board of the new Rule of Law Foundation in BVI [British Virgin Islands]? Witness: Yes. Yvette Wang told me about it.  Witness: I was asked to sign a false affidavit to the bankruptcy court. AUSA: Who was behind it? Guo's lawyer: Objection?

Judge: Overruled. Witness: The lawyer took direction from Miles Guo.  Witness: I was threatened, to get me to sign it. They said if I did not sign I would be responsible for paying back $38 million. I said I would not sign, they can take my life [sobs] AUSA: What did you mean? Witness: They can kill me.  AUSA: Did you think about harming yourself? Witness: Yes.

AUSA: Why didn't you do that? Guo's lawyer: Objection! How is that relevant? Judge: I'll allow it. Witness: I have daughter. AUSA: Did you doubt Guo? Witness: I realized, it's a scam  Witness: I tried to contact the US government.

AUSA: What did you review? Witness: The whole last seven years. AUSA: What did you find? Witness: I find, this is a scam. AUSA: Who did that feel? Witness: I feel angry, desperate, guilty, regret. I am distressed  Witness: I thought about suicide. AUSA: Why did you feel angry? Witness: He lied to us. But we so trust him. No doubt. No question. AUSA: Why did you feel guilty? Witness: For my family. I did not take care of them. AUSA: What were you doing instead?

Objection!  Judge: Overruled. Witness: Working for Miles Guo... Then I spoke with the bankruptcy trustee. Then the FBI, in November 2023. AUSA: Why did you contact the FBI? Witness: I want to report to US government that Miles Guo trick up, mislead me.  AUSA: How many times have you met with the authorities? Witness: Ten times. AUSA: Why were you scared? Witness: They would say I am a CCP spy.

AUSA: What did Miles Guo say about being targeted by the CCP? Witness: He said his phone was hacked by CCP  AUSA: What about attempts to get him sent back to China? Witness: He said CCP sent agents to talk to Trump administration to try to get him sent to China. AUSA: If it were true he was targeted by CCP, would it change your view? Objection! Overruled. A: No.  Witness: I have also be targeted by CCP. But I don't steal from people.

AUSA: How were you targeted? Witness: CCP told my family to tell me to stop, that I am threatening national security. I am told to not go back to China, they will arrest me. I am only child 

AUSA: After being targeted by CCP did you spend supporter money on yourself? Witness: No. That money should be used to fight against the CCP, not for myself. AUSA: Did you get rich? Witness: No. I lost money - about $20,000. AUSA: Did you take down CCP? No.  Witness: In the future I don't want to take part in any democracy activities because I don't know if it is another scam. AUSA: Why did you start following Miles Guo? Objection! AUSA: I have three more questions. Do you still believe in democracy in China? A: Yes 

AUSA: Do you still believe in Miles Guo today? Guo's lawyer: Objection, asked and answered. AUSA: It has not been asked about today. Guo's lawyer: As opposed to yesterday? Judge: I'll allow it. Witness: He is a scam.  AUSA: No further questions. Judge: We'll break.

 OK - cross examination. Guo's lawyer: Ms. Li, you did find another solution, right? Witness: After I realized I can't suicide because my daughter- Guo's lawyer: That wasn't the question. I move to strike. Judge: Let her answer. Witness: I contact the US government 

Guo's lawyer: You contacted the trustee, right? Witness: Yes. Guo's lawyer: By phone? Witness: Online meeting. Guo's lawyer: WebEx? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: Who set it up? Witness: Trustee.  Guo's lawyer: Then DOJ, FBI and US Attorney's Office? Witness: Yes.

Guo's lawyer: Nov 1, 2023, do you remember? How was it set up? Witness: In person, in Australia. Guo's lawyer: Feb 4, Feb 29 - these prosecutors, including the one with the beard? Witness: IDK  Guo's lawyer: March 7 by WebEx? March 15 emails? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: March 25 with the FBI? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: April 28? AUSA: She's not saying what happened?

Guo's lawyer: Ms. Lie, do you remember? AUSA: The date? IDK  Guo's lawyer: May 9, a phone call? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: That's less than a month ago. Witness: I don't remember.

Guo's lawyer: June 1 meeting, do you recall? Witness: Yes. Guo's lawyer: In his office? Witness: Yes.  Guo's lawyer: And the prosecutor and FBI agent, they took notes? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: You met with them then on June 1 they got you a lawyer, right? Witness: Yes.

Guo's lawyer: June 4 you met - what did you do on June 3? A: I don't remember 

Guo's lawyer: You met yesterday, right before you took the stand, that stand, right there? Witness: Yes. Guo's lawyer: You and I have never met, correct? Witness: We have not.

Guo's lawyer: Look at this document, not shown to jury or public [long sidebar ensues]

On June 7, Guo's lawyer ended her cross examination (before another luxury car dealer, this time from Houston):

Guo's lawyer: Under your non-prosecution, you don't turn any money, right? Li: What money? Guo's lawyer: HAA, H Coin... The only way you can go back to China is by disavowing Miles Guo, right? AUSA: Objection! Judge: Sustained.

More detail and analysis on X for Subscribers here and Substack here

The case is US v. Guo, et al., 23-cr-118 (Torres)


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In Menendez Trial Cooperator Uribe Says He Promised Nadine a Car If NJ Investigation Gone

by Matthew Russell Lee

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 7 – Amid reports of investigation against Sen. Robert Menendez for taking gold bars, Inner City Press' sources on September 21 it to expect on Friday, September 22 an appearance in Federal court in Manhattan by Menendez and his wife Nadine Arslanian. This scoop was true.

Later a superseder was unveiled, including charges of bribes to act for Qatar...

On April 11, 2024 after Nadine Menendez and then the government asked for delay, to July or undefined, Judge Stein severed her case and reaffirmed May 6, Inner City Press thread

On Sunday night April 14 the US wrote in again asking for a delay to July, six page letter on Patreon here.

But Judge Stein told the parties to confer and report by April 16 at 1 pm. Then he set an April 17 conference, which Inner City Press live tweeted and dubbed "Berate-gate," thread

On May 13, jury selection began - but did not finish. Abit later, Menendez got into an car with FOP NJ plates.

On May 14 jury selection continued but was not yet completed, from the ending, thread

Late on May 14, the US Attorney's Office filed opposition to slides the defense wants to use in its opening arguments, including quotes from Colin Powell and MLK, and when Nadine came into possession of gold - full letter on Patreon here

Inner City Press live tweeted jury selection and then opening arguments here, then filmed Bob's exit (he said he thought it went well and that his guy did great).

On May 21, the US Attorney's Office put on Wael Hana's lawyer, then a US State Department official working on Congressional approval (or holds) on arms transfer to Egypt, thread here.

On May 23, with the trial in haitus, docketed was Menendez' lawyers opposition to quashing his subpoena for Jose Uribe's attorney proffer and communications with SDNY prosecutors, filing on Patreon here

On May 29, Inner City Press live tweeted, omitting Morton's steakhouse but including this

On May 30, Menendez's lawyer's (long) cross, including this.

On May 31, starting 1 pm, the agent was cross examined, and then USDA Ted McKinney on direct, thread

  After the trial day, Inner City Press filed Menendez' walk to his Jersey-plated car; asked why he called McKinney he said, Wait for the cross [examination].

Nadine Menendez hired a new lawyer, who previously represented Sydney Powell among others. Then this: "ORDER as to Nadine Menendez: At the request of the defendant and with the consent of the government [Doc. No. 434], the status conference is adjourned from June 10 to June 12 at 5 :00 p.m.(Signed by Judge Sidney H. Stein on 6/3/2024)."

On June 4 Judge Stein dockted a partially redacted Order in which he denied Menendez's request that the prosecutors give him impeachment material about a Confidential Human Source they are not going to call as a witness - but Menendez said he will.

On June 5, Inner City Press live tweeted - and afterward asked Menendez a question. Thread.

On June 6, after more cross of Agent Graves, Gurbir Grewal testified, thread

On June 7, after an FBI fingerprint expert, cooperator Jose Uribe, Inner City Press live tweeted, thread:

Jose Uribe. AUSA: Have you pled guilty to federal crimes? Uribe: Yes. To bribing a Senator.

 AUSA: Through who? Uribe: His wife Nadine. AUSA: Did you do it with others? Uribe: With others. There - can I stand? - Will Hana. Judge: Witness has IDed Mr. Hana  Uribe: I agree with Nadine to provide a car to Nadine to get the power and influence of Senator Menendez, for positive resolution for a colleague, and to stop and kill investigations

AUSA: Where did you grow up? Uribe: Dominican Republic. I came here at 18  AUSA: Where did you move? Uribe: Union City, New Jersey. AUSA: Are you a US citizen? Uribe: I became one in 1991. I went to Hudson County Community College, and worked in a factory.

AUSA: Then what? Uribe: An insurance agency in Union City.  AUSA: How did you start there? Uribe: I was insuring my used car and saw the place was busy so I asked to work there. The first month, he didn't pay me. Judge: Why did you work for free? Uribe: I fell in love with the business. Later I got my license.  

Uribe: I lost my license, then formed Phoenix Risk Management. There, my son Omar was the license holder. I was the adviser and general manager. AUSA: Who ran it? Uribe: I did.... AUSA: Did you have to leave the insurance business under cooperation agreement? Yes  AUSA: Who was being investigated?

Uribe: Elvis Parra of E&K Trucking. And the driver Bienvenido Hernandez, who ran Prestige Trucking Express. I consider them almost brothers. AUSA: What was the criminal investigation? Uribe: Parra pled guilty and got probation  AUSA: How did you become aware of the investigation? Uribe: Subpoena. Then Detective Lopez, she went to my daughter's house on a Saturday, very unpleasant, and out to Seattle to speak with my son Omar in the middle of a law school class  AUSA: Did you get worried?

Uribe: As a father you don't want your children faced with an investigation like this.... I talked to Will Hana at Andy Arslanian's office about it. He said for $250,000 he could make it go away. Through Nadine and Senator Menendez  AUSA: Did you tell anyone? Uribe: I told Bien[venido] that my brother Will said he has a way to get a good resolution for Elvis' sentencing and the investigation, we should listen to him- Judge: Who?

Uribe: Will Hana. We met at a Marriott in Teaneck.  Uribe: At the meeting Will mentioned Nadine. AUSA: How did Bien and Elvis Parra react? Uribe: Positively. That if Elvis got no jail time and the investigations were killed they would pay.  Judge Stein. Let's break.

 They've back. AUSA: Did you do a fundraiser for Senator Menendez? Uribe: I did. In a private room in Villa Amalfi in Cliffside Park on July 13, 2018.

AUSA: Did Bob Menendez attend?

Uribe: Yes. He said he was impressed by the business people I brought  AUSA: How much did you raise for Senator Menendez at the fundraiser? Uribe: $50,000 - I gave $5000 myself. We had an afterparty. Nadine, Will, Mr. Menendez...

AUSA: Then what? Uribe: Detective Lopez visited my daughter. I was, I hate to repeat the word, f*cked.   Uribe: Then at another restaurant in New Jersey, we met: Nadine, Will, Senator Menendez and myself. AUSA: How would you describe Mr. Hana's behavior with Menendez? Uribe: It seemed like he wanted to suck up to Senator Menendez... 

AUSA: Then what? Uribe: Nadine complained to me, the men in her life never come through, that Will didn't get her the car he promised. AUSA: What did you say? Uribe: I said I would provide a car as soon as she helps me. She acknowledged knowing part of the deal  Uribe: Nadine said she know about E&K Trucking. AUSA: Why did you want to do a deal for a car? Uribe: To protect my family. I told her, I will stand by my word, as long as she deliver on her promise.

AUSA: What did you write to Bien? Uribe: I received good news  Judge: We'll break for the week.

More on X for Subscribers here and Substack here

The case is US v. Menendez, et al., 23-cr-490 (Stein)

More on Substack here


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In Josh Schulte Case Press Won Some CIPA Unsealing Now US Dockets 4 Redacted Scripts

By Matthew Russell Lee Schulte Book

 SDNY, June 6 – In June and July 2022 former CIA hacker Joshua Schulte was put on trial in a nearly empty and partially sealed courtroom in lower Manhattan.

Inner City Press covered it and the next trials - see book below - and live tweeted the sentencing, thread here.

Schulte compared his conditions to Nazi concentration camps, drawing a rebuke from SDNY Judge Jesse M. Furman.  He did not, however, get the life sentence urged by DOJ, but rather 40 years.

  There is a book

"Brutal Kangaroo: WikiLeaks Verdict Against Josh Schulte, and Other Whistleblowers: Convicted of sending the CIA's Vault 7 cyber tools to Wikileaks, Schulte remains in jail under DOJ SAMs," by Matthew Russell Lee. 

  U.S. e-book here, UK here.

  On April 8, 2024, an unsealing win before Judge Jesse M. Furman: "Inner City Press, members of the press, emptywheel, oppose the Government’s motion. See ECF No. 978 (“ICP Motion”); But the First Amendment guarantees the press and public access to most, if not all, criminal proceedings, and CIPA cannot abrogate that venerable constitutional right. The Government’s motion to keep the transcripts at issue here sealed must be and is DENIED. To the extent that the Government believes that additional redactions beyond those that were made in connection with the declassification process are justified, it shall propose them, in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Court’s Individual Rules and Practices for Criminal Cases, no later than May 2, 2024. In the absence of an application for leave to make additional redactions by that deadline, the Government shall docket the transcripts at issue no later than May 3, 2024." Order on DocumentCloud here.

 After 4 pm on May 1, the US Attorney's Office wrote to Judge Furman for a stay while it considers whether to appeal. Inner City Press before 6 pm filed opposition, on DocumentCloud here.

On June 6, the US belated docketed four transcripts: "The Government respectfully submits this letter pursuant to the Court’s orders docketed as docket entry numbers 1139 and 1141. Attached to this letter are redacted, unclassified transcripts of proceedings held pursuant to the Classified Information Procedures Act (“CIPA”), 18 U.S.C. App. 3, on May 3, 2022; June 8, 2022; June 13, 2022; and July 22, 2022." Sample here

Watch this site.


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                              200 Worth Street
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In SDNY Trial of Hwang For Archegos $34B Meltdown Expert Describes Dark Pool Trading

By Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 6 –  In the wake of the Archegos meltdown, the other shoe dropped on April 27, when the US Attorney for the SDNY unsealed and indictment charging Bill Hwang Patrick Halligan, Archegos’s CFO with racketeering conspiracy, securities fraud, and wire fraud offenses.   

 Inner City Press went to the SDNY press conference to ask, What about Credit Suisse and Nomura and people in those banks? What about the massive family office loophope to the Investment Advisors Act of 1940? This has come up in the OneCoin fraud case, on which the Office used perjured testimony and now agrees to delay after delay.

 Damian William referred obliquely to Hwang doing it in the dark, but otherwise the issue - which is addressed by a pending bill in Congress - did not come up. Nor did Lisa Monaco, present in New York for the presser, address it.

On June 1, newly assigned District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein held a conference in the case. Inner City Press attended and live tweet it here (and asked defense counsel a question later, here). Thread here.

And after, stand-up here, short Q&A here.

On June 20, 2023  Judge Hellerstein  pushed the trial back: "Trial in the above-captioned criminal matter, by request of all parties, is adjourned from January 9, 2024 to February 20, 2024 at 10:00 a.m., in Courtroom 14D. The Final Pretrial Conference will be held on February 14, 2024 at 2:30 p.m. Time is excluded in the interest of justice from January 9, 2024 to February 20, 2024 pursuant to 18 U.S.C. § 3161. SO ORDERED (Signed by Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein on 6/20/2023)."

On July 27, Hwang wrote in seeking approval of subpoenas to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of Montreal, Credit Suisse, UBS, Nomura, MUFG, Mizuho, Macquarie, Jeffries and Deutsche Bank, to show he did not "use his lawfully executed swaps to artificially impact the prices of the underlying stocks."

Jump cut to November 14, 2023 when Judge Hellerstein held an oral argument on the subpoena requests. Inner City Press attended, in mask, and tweeted, threadette:

Hwang is here at defense table, with COVID mask and foyr lawyers at table, one behind. 

Judge Hellerstein: Manipulation for manipulation is meaningless. How was it intended to make money? When? There are many different ways to hedge. I'd like to see them narrowed

 Berke: Your Honor, you've done a lot of cases, but this is the 1st one in which DOJ is charging manipulation of swaps

Judge: It's hard to defend against manipulation. Mr Berke deserves a discussion. US v Nixon provides the boundary.

Berke: Thank you

  And well he might say that - it seemed the defense won this round. He mocked what he called the prosecution's theory of "pump and brag," that Hwang did it to brag he'd built a family office into a major firm.

On January 3, 2024, still mostly masked, Judge Hellerstein said the proposed experts are qualified, that sufficient notice is the issue. He said he will follow Judge Jed Rakoff's decision in US v. Mrabet, which Inner City Press also covered.  At the end Judge Hellerstein said, with a laugh, Don't settle this case, I want to try it.

More details on Substack here

On May 1, 2024, the US Attorney's Office wrote in to specify that at trial they intend to put forward evidence about Archegos' predecessor Tiger Asia, including that the SEC banned Hwang from acting, among other things, as an investment adviser.

On May 6, Halligan's counsel wrote in that the evidence should not be admitted at trial, as little of it involves Halligan but he would be prejudiced by it.

On May 15 in the trial, Mr. Marks of Operations testified about reports only to Bill and Patrick, then Mr. Jones about flying from Dallas amid the meltdown. Thread here

On May 21, the US insisted that evidence of Hwang's "decision not to reimburse employees for lost deferred compensation" should remain in evidence before the jury."

Full letter on Patreon here.

On May 22, Inner City Press live tweeted cross examination of cooperator Becker, here. In the midst of it, an announcement by Judge Hellerstein of the birth of a baby, and applause in the courtroom (it's in the thread).

On May 23, Becker continued - from the thread:

Becker is asked about his message, "Whatevs, we'll just roll with it."

Counsel: Turning to your lost vacation days, Mr. Becker, you felt you had never worked harder than at Archegos, isn't that true? Becker: Yes.

Counsel: You had 3 weeks of vacation - couldn't carry it over and you were angry, right? Becker: Correct.

Halligan's lawyer: You didn't want Mr. Halligan involved in your project, did you? He called you careless-

Judge Hellerstein: Haven't we gone over this? It's done. Finished. Halligan's lawyer: You felt he didn't show appreciation Judge Hellerstein: Move on

 Now re-direct: AUSA: Mr. Becker, Mr. Berke didn't show you this sheet, did he? Objection! Overruled. Becker: He didn't.

 AUSA: You were asked some questions about conversations with Mr. Halligan. Why was it so frantic? Let me off this March 23 chat, 3745

 Judge Hellerstein: Jurors, have a good weekend. [Jurors leave] Defense: Can we discuss schedule for next week? Judge: Tues and Wed 10 to 5. Can't say about Thursday. Government, how are we doing?

AUSA: We expected Becker 1 week, on schedule

Judge Hellerstein: Done in 2 weeks? AUSA: That's aggressive.  Adjourned.

On May 28, the US Attorney's Office filed a letter seeking permission in advance to ask "what if you had known" questions of the type blessed by the 2d Circuit in US v. Cuti (2013), starting with Bank of Montreal's Joseph Boccuzzi on May 29. Letter on Patreon here

May 29 ended with a dispute about a government chart, long and short positions, which Hwang's lawyer Berke called argumentative, from the thread:

Judge Hellerstein: How do you proposed to change your chart before showing it to the jury? The title should change.

AUSA: I can pass up copies. Judge: Just say, Portion of the portfolio. Why do you have to say "long"? AUSA: Achegos has a short portfolio too

 Hwang's lawyer: This was, it's argumentative and misleading. AUSA: We can work on something...

Judge Hellerstein: Let's do it now. I have both of you, and I've already canceled my appointment...

On May 30, the US Attorney's Office filed opposition to Hwang's bid to strike testimony of UBS's Christ Salcedo...

On June 5, Inner City Press live tweeted, thread

On June 6, government expert testified about, among other things, dark pools, thread:

Assistant US Attorney: Tell the jury what a dark pool is. Expert: On an exchange, if I was to submit a limit order, if it were posted, the price would rise. You are giving away your interest. The dark is meant to replicate - you can post orders and nobody sees it

Expert: My favorite dark pool is called Liquid Net. I've got a nice paper about this, how violations of trust impact this. I tell Liquid Net my order and no one sees it. Judge: Who runs the dark pool? Expert: Goldman, Barclays, Deutsche Bank.

 Judge: I don't think there is a very good understanding of dark pools. Let's take a break.

And so it goes. Watch this site.

Back on March 21, 2023 Judge Hellerstein held an hour and a half proceeding in which he denied more than a dozen motions by Team Hwang. Inner City Press was there and live tweeted, thread here.

More including on Halligan on Substack here.

  Later  - after re-up of book and talk to NYU Journalism School, here and here - in the SDNY Magistrate a defendant was detained until trial, charged as a felon in possession. We'll have more, much more, on this.

The case is US v. Hwang, 22-cr-240 (Hellerstein)


@SDNYLIVE courthouse #CourtCastCast
                              200 Worth Street
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In Miles Guo Trial Witness Says She Mulled Suicide Defense Points Out She Cooperated

by Matthew Russell Lee, Patreon Substack

SDNY COURTHOUSE, June 6 – After a circus-like civil case involving Guo Wengui in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, which Inner City Press closely covered, here, March 15, 2023 saw the unsealing of a twelve-count Indictment of Miles Guo onvarious wire fraud, securities fraud, bank fraud, and money laundering charges.

On May 21, the US Attorney's Office wrote in seeking to preclude fire issues from the trial: 7 page letter on Patreon here.

On May 22, Inner City Press live tweeted jury selection, here.

   Many were excused from the jury pool.

More detail / some analysis on X for Subscribers here & Substack here

On May 23 the defense wrote in including "There is no evidence to support the government’s sensationalist theory that Mr. Guo started a fire at the Sherry Netherland residence. Letter on Patreon here

At the end of May 23, Judge Torres told the remaining jurors that the trial would start Friday. Thread.

More details on X for Subscribers here and Substack here

And it did. Inner City Press live tweeted the opening and first two witnesses, an FBI agent about the Greenwich search, and a Dallas based Lamborghini dealer, thread here.

On May 28 the US moved for admission of posts from GNews and GETTR, 5 page motion on Patreon here

On May 31 a representative of Kyle Bass' Hayman Capital Management testified, thread

 On June 4, the US Attorney's Office filed its response to Guo's request for reconsideration on limitation on his expert's testimony about Operation Fox Hunt and the "Five Poisons." US filing on Patreon here.

On June 5, Inner City Press live tweeted, thread

On June 6, more Li - and then some cross, thread

Assistant US Attorney: When did you lose confident in Guo? Witness: When I heard about the Mahwah mansion, secret base from the New Federal State of China. AUSA: Who said it was such a base? Long Island David? Witness: Yes, in a broadcast. 

AUSA: What was your understanding who would use this mansion? Witness: For his family AUSA: Family meaning what? A: Family members. But G-Club members too, he said. But I didn't think so. AUSA: What was your understanding where the money came from? A: Family fund 

AUSA: What did he say about how the Lamborghini was paid for? Witness: He said his family fund, to reward him for his hard working. AUSA: Who is William? Witness: William Je. AUSA: Did you think this mansion was bought with supporters money? Witness: No.  AUSA: If you had known, would you have facilitated payments by Farm members? Guo's lawyer: Objection. I'd be happy to have a sidebar. Judge: Overruled. Guo's lawyer: It assumes facts not in evidence. Judge: Overruled. Witness: His personal luxury life, no  AUSA: Does buying a $26 million house help fight the CCP?

Guo's lawyer: Objection! Judge; Overruled. Witness: No. AUSA: Does buying a red Lamborghini help fight the CCP? Guo's lawyer: Same objection. Judge: Overruled. Witness: No.  AUSA: Did Guo say anything to you about the property being haunted? Witness: No. AUSA: Were you on the board of the new Rule of Law Foundation in BVI [British Virgin Islands]? Witness: Yes. Yvette Wang told me about it.  Witness: I was asked to sign a false affidavit to the bankruptcy court. AUSA: Who was behind it? Guo's lawyer: Objection?

Judge: Overruled. Witness: The lawyer took direction from Miles Guo.  Witness: I was threatened, to get me to sign it. They said if I did not sign I would be responsible for paying back $38 million. I said I would not sign, they can take my life [sobs] AUSA: What did you mean? Witness: They can kill me.  AUSA: Did you think about harming yourself? Witness: Yes.

AUSA: Why didn't you do that? Guo's lawyer: Objection! How is that relevant? Judge: I'll allow it. Witness: I have daughter. AUSA: Did you doubt Guo? Witness: I realized, it's a scam  Witness: I tried to contact the US government.

AUSA: What did you review? Witness: The whole last seven years. AUSA: What did you find? Witness: I find, this is a scam. AUSA: Who did that feel? Witness: I feel angry, desperate, guilty, regret. I am distressed  Witness: I thought about suicide. AUSA: Why did you feel angry? Witness: He lied to us. But we so trust him. No doubt. No question. AUSA: Why did you feel guilty? Witness: For my family. I did not take care of them. AUSA: What were you doing instead?

Objection!  Judge: Overruled. Witness: Working for Miles Guo... Then I spoke with the bankruptcy trustee. Then the FBI, in November 2023. AUSA: Why did you contact the FBI? Witness: I want to report to US government that Miles Guo trick up, mislead me.  AUSA: How many times have you met with the authorities? Witness: Ten times. AUSA: Why were you scared? Witness: They would say I am a CCP spy.

AUSA: What did Miles Guo say about being targeted by the CCP? Witness: He said his phone was hacked by CCP  AUSA: What about attempts to get him sent back to China? Witness: He said CCP sent agents to talk to Trump administration to try to get him sent to China. AUSA: If it were true he was targeted by CCP, would it change your view? Objection! Overruled. A: No.  Witness: I have also be targeted by CCP. But I don't steal from people.

AUSA: How were you targeted? Witness: CCP told my family to tell me to stop, that I am threatening national security. I am told to not go back to China, they will arrest me. I am only child 

AUSA: After being targeted by CCP did you spend supporter money on yourself? Witness: No. That money should be used to fight against the CCP, not for myself. AUSA: Did you get rich? Witness: No. I lost money - about $20,000. AUSA: Did you take down CCP? No.  Witness: In the future I don't want to take part in any democracy activities because I don't know if it is another scam. AUSA: Why did you start following Miles Guo? Objection! AUSA: I have three more questions. Do you still believe in democracy in China? A: Yes 

AUSA: Do you still believe in Miles Guo today? Guo's lawyer: Objection, asked and answered. AUSA: It has not been asked about today. Guo's lawyer: As opposed to yesterday? Judge: I'll allow it. Witness: He is a scam.  AUSA: No further questions. Judge: We'll break.

 OK - cross examination. Guo's lawyer: Ms. Li, you did find another solution, right? Witness: After I realized I can't suicide because my daughter- Guo's lawyer: That wasn't the question. I move to strike. Judge: Let her answer. Witness: I contact the US government 

Guo's lawyer: You contacted the trustee, right? Witness: Yes. Guo's lawyer: By phone? Witness: Online meeting. Guo's lawyer: WebEx? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: Who set it up? Witness: Trustee.  Guo's lawyer: Then DOJ, FBI and US Attorney's Office? Witness: Yes.

Guo's lawyer: Nov 1, 2023, do you remember? How was it set up? Witness: In person, in Australia. Guo's lawyer: Feb 4, Feb 29 - these prosecutors, including the one with the beard? Witness: IDK  Guo's lawyer: March 7 by WebEx? March 15 emails? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: March 25 with the FBI? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: April 28? AUSA: She's not saying what happened?

Guo's lawyer: Ms. Lie, do you remember? AUSA: The date? IDK  Guo's lawyer: May 9, a phone call? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: That's less than a month ago. Witness: I don't remember.

Guo's lawyer: June 1 meeting, do you recall? Witness: Yes. Guo's lawyer: In his office? Witness: Yes.  Guo's lawyer: And the prosecutor and FBI agent, they took notes? Witness: I don't remember. Guo's lawyer: You met with them then on June 1 they got you a lawyer, right? Witness: Yes.

Guo's lawyer: June 4 you met - what did you do on June 3? A: I don't remember 

Guo's lawyer: You met yesterday, right before you took the stand, that stand, right there? Witness: Yes. Guo's lawyer: You and I have never met, correct? Witness: We have not.

Guo's lawyer: Look at this document, not shown to jury or public [long sidebar ensues]

More detail and analysis on X for Subscribers here and Substack here

The case is US v. Guo, et al., 23-cr-118 (Torres)


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